How college campuses support the integration and inclusion of students who have been hospitalized, taken (or been placed on) medical leave, or are otherwise faced with navigating campus environments in the context of complex and often highly stigmatized psychiatric disabilities (such as psychosis, borderline PD, DID).
Specific priorities of the MHA – Bazelon – Pitt convening are to generate guidance and highlight gaps in each of the following areas:
Campus-wide support coordination models;
Policies and practices governing re-admission and re-integration following hospitalizations and/or leaves;
Anti-stigma and anti-discrimination initiatives and interventions, specifically including highly stigmatized diagnoses/disabilities;
Non-campus-based supported education programs & their contribution to increasing access and success.
Resources & Further Reading
Fountain House College Re-Entry Program, NY (https://collegereentry.org/)
Neurodivergent-U; Founder & CEO Bowen Cho. https://www.neurodivergentu.com/about
Toolkits to Support the Full Inclusion of Students with Psychosis on Campus
Campus Administrators, Faculty, & Staff Toolkit
Student(s) & Families Toolkit
Bazelon Guide to Campus Mental Health Rights. https://www.bazelon.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/YourMind-YourRights.pdf