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Aligning students and counseling centers on student mental health needs and treatment resources
Conclusions: Students and clinicians recognize barriers to face-to-face therapy and are eager to collaborate to identify opportunities to address barriers to mental health services. We discuss digital mental health tools as a potential opportunity for support and benefits of including students in discussions of treatment resources.

Trends in college student mental health and help-seeking by race/ethnicity: Findings from the national healthy minds study, 2013–2021
A considerable gap in knowledge exists around mental health trends in diverse racial and ethnic adolescent and young adult populations. The purpose of this study is to examine annual trends for mental health and help-seeking by race/ethnicity in a national sample of college students.

2022 Annual Report: Bringing Science and Practice Together
In the current 2022 Annual Report, CCMH explored how counseling centers contribute to the academic mission of institutions by examining the risk and protective factors associated with voluntary withdrawal from school during services. This investigation was critical given the concerning national rates of “drop out” among college students.

Mental health issues are the leading impediment to academic success. Mental illness can affect students’ motivation, concentration, and social interactions—crucial factors for students to succeed in higher education [1].

Using peer-support coaching to improve adherence to online ACT self-help for college mental health: A randomized controlled trial
Online self-help programs such as the Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Guide address significant barriers to receiving therapy but suffer from low adherence rates. Peer-delivered coaching, using undergraduate students as coaches, is an innovative alternative to traditional coaching methods which may improve adherence in a more scalable format.

The Myth of Social Mobility: Subjective Social Mobility and Mental Health
A common assumption is that upward mobility produces positive psychological outcomes. However, status-based identity framework and social class worldview model propose that perceived social mobility in either direction will lead to increased distress. Based on this claim, we examined relations among subjective social mobility, life satisfaction, and mental health using polynomial regression with response surface mapping.
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This section includes intriguing rulings over the past decade and the potential impacts as it relates to the Americans with Disabilities Act. We have also included cases to keep an eye on in the future.
This section includes important hotlines, toolkits, and other resources to assist students or others.
Since 1972, the Judge David L. Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law has advocated for civil rights, full inclusion, and the equality of adults and children with mental disabilities. We were pivotal in expanding the civil rights movement to include fighting discrimination against, and segregation of, people with mental disabilities.
Founded in 1909 by Clifford W. Beers, Mental Health America (MHA) is the nation’s leading community-based nonprofit dedicated to addressing the needs of those living with mental illness and promoting the overall mental health of all. MHA’s national office and its 200+ affiliates and associates around the country work every day to protect the rights and dignity of individuals with lived experience and ensure that peers and their voices are integrated into all areas of the organization.
The school's mission is to prepare courageous leaders to transform social work practice, policy, research, and education in a community-engaged and inclusive environment; to develop and advance innovative approaches to understand, prevent, and ameliorate complex social problems; and to build collaborative partnerships to promote social justice.
Want to get involved in changing the mental health landscape in America? These organizations offer various opportunities for advocacy, public policy, fundraising, and volunteering.
Whether you're a mental health practitioner, an academic, a current student, etc these organizations cover a variety of aspects of mental health. These organizations provide opportunities to attend conferences, submit papers, and learn about the latest occurrences in the field.